Thursday, October 24, 2013

Double-Double And A Donut, Eh?

Considering today is #TBT, I figure why not throw it back to one of the most old-school donut shops in the game – Tim Horton’s. Now, I know I mentioned in my last post that I have moved on to bigger and better breeds of dough, but I am, admittedly, pretty Canadian (i.e. I enjoy canoeing, hockey, caesars, beavers and The Tragically Hip) and thus really do feel the need to talk about Timmy Ho’s – the classic and quintessential Canadian donut spot for all from Bonavista, Newfoundland to the Vancouver Islands

Stephen Harper: what I don't like about Canada. 
Tim Horton's Donuts: what I do like about Canada.

I love Tim Horton's. By no means would I say that it is high-quality cuisine or that their food is "always fresh,"as their motto claims it is, but it is a satisfying, reliable, and convenient option. Usually, in an attempt to ward off a hangover or to temporarily distract myself from its evil grip, I like to indulge in something tasty, and often I find my disheveled self at Tim's. The breakfast there provides all the necessary components of a proper hangover meal. I can get my sodium-fix from their B.E.L.T. breakfast sandwich, my sugar-fix from a donut or a couple of Timbitsall while washing it down with some caffeine. On top of that, the place is literally everywhere - there are over 3,000 restaurants across Canada - and the one I live near is open 24 hours, 7 days a week. Satisfaction. Convenience. Reliability. Tim Horton's.   

Get this girl a donut. 

But let's get back to the main subject at hand - donuts. As I mentioned earlier, Tim’s doesn’t offer the best or most gourmet selection of food, donuts included. But sometimes shitty food is the best kind of food, and in this sense, Tim’s donuts are the shit. Especially when you can get a few of them or a whole bunch of Timbits for just a couple of dollars, which is pretty key when you’re a student and don’t have a lot of extra dough to throw around (see what I did there?!). So which are the best and which are the worst? Here’s my take on some of the donuts that Timmy’s has to offer:
  • Old Fashioned Plain: If you like bland, this is the donut for you. This is the kind of donut I would feed to my dog.
  • Old Fashioned Glazed: Throw a little glaze on it and suddenly the old fashioned ain’t so plain anymore. This one is in my Top 3. Moist (I have a feeling I will be using this word a lot) and crispy, sweet hints of cinnamon and nutmeg – I’m drooling.
  • Sour Cream Glazed: This is also in my Top 3, which is funny because when I was younger I thought they were pretty gross – why would you put sour cream in something sweet like a donut? Mind you, I thought sour cream in any form was gross due to an irrational fear and hatred of all white sauces (ranch, cream cheese, mayonnaise, etc.), which I have since gotten over. Bring on the white sauces. In this case, the sour cream makes for a tangy and moist inside, which is balanced nicely by the crisp, sugar-glaze on the outside.
  • The Long John: I don’t actually know what this is and I’m not even going to Google it because I don’t want to know what’s in there.

The Long John. What is this?

  • Maple Dip: I’m down with this one, even though I generally find dips to be a bit dry in comparison with glazes. THAT SYRUP THOUGH. Maple-y goodness. You can’t get more Canadian than this.
  • Vanilla Dip: I get a little hit of nostalgia whenever I eat this doughnut. Formerly called the Hawaiian (a way cooler name in my opinion), this is the one with all the pretty sprinkles. It is the final member of my Top 3 and my OG childhood doughnut. As a kid, I would eat the entire bottom and save the icing/sprinkle bit for last, like I was eating an Oreo or something. 
  • Banana Timbit: This straight up tastes like banana medicine. And I like banana medicine. But not in my donut. 
  • Honey Cruller: Pretty inexperienced when it comes to crullers. Apparently they're really good? But this is the only one I've ever had and I'm not a fan. The inside is super eggy - like someone drizzled some honey on their scrambled eggs, which is just weird. I'll have to try one elsewhere. 
  • Pumpkin Spice: When pumpkin spice is in stock, the betches will flock. But for good reason, pumpkin spiced treats are the tits and so is this donut. 

There are so many things I could say about Tim Horton’s (one being that there is no way I am trying their new “steak” and cheese Panini or their "lasagna"), but I'll save some of them for another time. When it comes down to it, Tim Horton's donuts are not the best (far from it), but they are pretty darn good, and if you don't like them then there's something wrong with you. 

The man himself: Mr. Tim Horton. Happy #TBT, everybody. Go Leafs Go.

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